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Oto przykład rozmowy na stronie dyskusji:

Wiki tekst Efekt wyjściowy strony dyskusji

== More spiders information needed ==
This page has a lot of detail about the web, but I really dont understand a single word of it, and it doesn't mention the spider once -- [[User:Example|Bob Smith]] 18:07, 26 August 1991 (UTC)
: No no. This page is talking about the "world wide web". I have added a clarification at the top - [[User:Example|Simon Brown]] 11:21, 28 August 1991(UTC)
:: Oh I see... So what's the big deal about hyperlinked documents? Seems like a stupid idea to me. -- [[User:Example|Bob Smith]] 14:11, 3 September 1991 (UTC)
::: Well I think we should have some information about it here on our wiki, but you're probably right. It'll never catch on. -- [[User:Example|Simon Brown]] 21:55, 3 September 1991 (UTC)

More spiders information needed

This page has a lot of detail about the web, but I really dont understand a single word of it, and it doesn't mention the spider once -- Bob Smith 18:07, 26 August 1991 (UTC)

No no. This page is talking about the "world wide web". I have added a clarification at the top - Simon Brown 11:21, 28 August 1991(UTC)
Oh I see... So what's the big deal about hyperlinked documents? Seems like a stupid idea to me. -- Bob Smith 14:11, 3 September 1991 (UTC)
Well I think we should have some information about it here on our wiki, but you're probably right. It'll never catch on. -- Simon Brown 21:55, 3 September 1991 (UTC)

Edytowanie dyskusji

Jak na każdej stronie wiki, każdy ma prawo do wprowadzania poprawek. Tak też jest w przypadku stron dyskusji. Można poprawiać błędy, poprawić formatowanie, dodać nagłówki itp. Nie powinno się jednak modyfikować przekazywanej treści komentarzy innych użytkowników.

Modyfikowanie nagłówków dyskusji
Dopasuj tytuł nagłówka tak, aby jak najlepiej zawrzeć informację na jaki temat jest twój komentarz.
Przenoszenie dyskusji do innej strony
Jeżeli dyskusja znajduje się w złym miejscu i znasz inne miejsce gdzie powinna się znaleźć, użyj metody wytnij&wklej.
Usuwanie przeterminowanych dyskusji
Discussions can often get left lying around on a talk page long after the issue is no longer relevant. It's usually a good idea to reply to saying "I think this is now resolved", but sooner or later it's time to just blow away the old discussions (they are of course preserved in the editing history).
Split a post into several discussions
It may be appropriate to do this, if somebody has raised several points which need to be answered separately. However you should always be respectful to other people's words. Does their post still make sense if you split it up?

Tworzenie artykułów - Dyskusja

It is usually best to keep focused on the task of building a wiki article, and use discussion pages only to support this process. The topic of conversation should generally revolve around what needs to be done to make the associated article better. Remember that editing the article itself is often a more effective means of communicating. It can be more difficult, requiring you to balance your views alongside those of others, but it can also be more rewarding. This is how the community of wiki editors will make progress. Often it will feel more natural to engage in heated debate on a talk page (or indeed any other contact channel) but in fact the wiki article itself can offer a powerful means of reaching middle-ground. Think about how to portray both sides of the argument (e.g. listing advantages and disadvantages) and you may find the debate evaporates.

Strony dyskusji użytkownika

Przestrzeń nazw "Dyskusja użytkownika" jest stroną dyskusji przypisaną każdej stronie użytkownika - "Użytkownik" (Zobacz Help:User page/pl). Jest to miejsce do pozostawienia wiadomości użytkownikowi wiki.

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Ta wiadomość będzie pokazywana na wszystkich stronach, dopóki użytkownik nie odwiedzi swojej strony dyskusji.

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